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Thai Martial Arts
(Chaiya and Krabi Krabong)
#Go With Your Flow
#Move For Your Soul
Flow象徵流動和持續不斷的改變,也代表一種全程投入的「忘我」狀態。我們是全香港唯一一家獲國際認可傳授古泰南拳(Chaiya)的拳館,也是本港極少數教授泰國刀術(Krabi Krabong)及古泰拳(Muay Boran)的綜合搏擊訓練場。
Flow symbolizes fluidity and constant change, as well as a state of complete immersion known as "selflessness". We are the only gym in Hong Kong that has received international recognition for teaching Muay Chaiya, and we are also one of the few training centers that teaches Krabi Krabong and Muay Boran.
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